拍毕业照三秒的时间 却定格着三年的匆匆岁月


  Youth is not old, we do not come loose, graduated! Goodbye, we'll see you soon


  The next summer the classroom was full again, but not of us

3.拍毕业照三秒的时间 却定格着三年的匆匆岁月

  The time that takes graduation picture 3 seconds freezes frame however 3 years in a hurry years


  This summer we Chiang traded our three-year friendship for a holiday without homework


  May the sun shine on graduation day as it did three years ago

6.很多年后我们把这个夏天叫做那年夏天 我们曾经笑的很灿烂

  Many years later we called this summer that summer we used to smile so brightly

  7.曾经的毕业照 我们是看客 现在的毕业照 我们是主角.

  We used to look at graduation photos and now we are the leading role.

8.愿你七月超常发挥 八月满心欢喜的通知书

  May July be more than your August letter of joy


  I wish you are about to graduate, gold list title bright future, live up to the youth


编辑:晨晨 关注他的微博
